


What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a specialty of medicine utilising natural therapies to support the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Many times, naturopathy and modern medicine are used in conjunction with one another. Naturopaths (natural health practitioners) are general practitioners who treat a wide range of illnesses.

A qualified registered naturopath has a science-based degree.

Where does it come from?

Naturopathy has been around for thousands of years. Hippocrates, the Greek physician ‘Father of medicine’ (c 460-377 BC), formulated the concept of the ‘healing power of nature’.

Dr Benedict Lust bought the name ‘Naturopathic Medicine’ and organised natural medicine as a formal system of healthcare in the 1890s.He founded his own Naturopath Medical College in New York in 1902 and naturopathic medicine started to flourish.

What are the health benefits?

The goal is to identify the root cause of your symptoms and thereby alleviate illnesses.

Naturopathic medicine promotes, establishes, maintains and restores health and well-being to an individual.

What can you expect?

Individualised care is key to treating patients successfully. Through diet modifications, lifestyle counselling, herbal medicine and establishing vitamin and mineral deficiencies patients concerns and health goals are addressed, naturally bringing mind and body back into balance.

An initial consultation is one hour. Follow up consultations 30mins.

Our practitioner(s):


Katie Lantz Katie is a qualified, registered Naturopath and Medical Herbalist. She has previously been employed in an integrative clinic working in conjunction with medical doctors.

Katie is also an accredited G.E.M.M. (Gut Ecology & Metabolic Modulation) clinician and achieves safe, effective results in numerous health conditions.

Read more about Katie.